About Us

Nyandarua County Assembly is one of the 47 county assemblies established under Article 176 (1) of the Constitution of Kenya (2010) which states that, “There shall be a county government for each county, consisting of a county assembly and a county executive”

Our mandates according to the Constitution are as follows:

  • Making laws aimed at operationalizing Nyandarua County Government
  • Representing interests of electorates of wards within the County
  • Oversighting over the County Executive

Further, Section 8(1) of the County Governments Act provides additional roles to the County Assembly as follows:

  • Approving budget and other County Government policies
  • Vetting and approval of nominees for appointment
  • Approving borrowing by the county government and;
  • Approving County development planning

The day to day running of the Assembly is spearheaded by a County Assembly Service Board chaired by the Speaker, and has a membership of five. Two of the members are elected MCAs while two others are members of the public representing male and female gender. Clerk to the Assembly is the secretary to the Board.

In this Third Assembly, there are 25 elected MCAs and 16 nominated. These MCAs have established select committees, which generate business for the House.


Sub-County No. of Wards Wards
Kinangop 8 Engineer, Gathara, North Kinangop, Murungaru, Njabini/Kiburu, Nyakio, Magumu, Githabai
Kipipiri 4 Wanjohi, Kipipiri, Geta, Githioro
Ol Joro Orok 4 Gathanji, Gatimu, Weru, Charagita
Ndaragwa 4 Leshau/Pondo, Kiriita, Central, Shamata
Ol Kalou 5 Karau, Kaimbaga, Rurii, Mirangine, Kanjuiri

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