Establishment of the Board, Membership, Tenure, Functions & Responsibilities, Secretary to the Board

The Nyandarua County Assembly Service Board is established pursuant to Section 12 of the County Governments Act No. 17 of 2012 which states as follows;

  1. (1) There shall be a county assembly service board for each county assembly.

(2) The county assembly service board shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal.

(3) The Board consists of—

(a) the Speaker of the county assembly, as the chairperson;

(b) a vice-chairperson elected by the Board from the members appointed under paragraph (c);

(c) two members of the county assembly nominated by the political parties represented in the county assembly according to their proportion of members in the county assembly; and

(d) one man and one woman appointed by the county assembly from amongst persons who are experienced in public affairs, but are not members of the county assembly.

(3A) The members of the Board appointed under section 12(3)(d) shall serve on a part-time basis.

(4) The county assembly clerk shall be the secretary to the county assembly service board.

(5) A member of the county assembly service board shall vacate office—

(a) if the person is a member of the county assembly—

(i) at the end of the term of the county assembly; or

(ii) if the person ceases to be a member of the county assembly; or

(b) if the person is an appointed member, on revocation of the person’s appointment by the county assembly; or

(c) if the person is the Speaker, when the person ceases to be such Speaker.

(6) Despite subsection (5), when the term of the county assembly ends, a member of the county assembly service board under subsection (3)(d) shall continue in office until a new member has assumed office in the member’s place in the next assembly.

(7) The county assembly service board is responsible for—

(a) providing services and facilities to ensure the efficient and effective functioning of the county assembly;

(b) constituting offices in the county assembly service, and appointing and supervising office holders;

(c) preparing annual estimates of expenditure of the county assembly service and submitting them to the county assembly for approval, and exercising budgetary control over the service;

(d) undertaking, singly or jointly with other relevant organizations, programmes to promote the ideals of parliamentary democracy; and

(e) performing other functions—

(i) necessary for the well-being of the members and staff of the county assembly; or

(ii) prescribed by national legislation.

Pursuant to the County Assembly Services Act of 2017, the Secretary to the Board is the Clerk of the county assembly or, in the absence of the Clerk, the person exercising the functions of the Clerk.

The functions of the Secretary are stipulated under section 17 of this act as follows;

  1. Functions of the Secretary

(1) The Secretary shall be—

(a) the chief executive officer of the Board;

(b) the accounting officer of the Board;

(c) the administrative head of the Service;

(d) the custodian of the Board’s records;

(e) responsible for—

(i) the execution of the decisions of the Board; and

(ii) assignment of duties and supervision of the staff of the Board;

(f) the preparation and submission of the programmes necessary for the achievement of the Board’s mandate for approval by the Board;

(g) causing to be kept records of the proceedings and minutes of the meetings of the Board and such other records as the Board may direct;

(h) ensuring staff compliance with public service values, principles and ethics; and

(i) the performance of such other duties as may be assigned by the Board or any other written law.

(2)The Secretary shall be responsible to the chairperson of the Board and the Board for the general working and efficient conduct of business of the Service.

(3) The Board may delegate to the Secretary such of its functions as are necessary to carry out the day to day management of the Service, and subject to such directions as may be given by the Board.

(4) The Secretary may, in consultation with the Board, assign or delegate any of the functions under this section to an employee of the Service.

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