Legal Department

The department is headed by a Principal Legal Counsel; Mr. Kennedy Wainaina Mwaniki.

It has the following functions;

1.Legal advisory to the County Assembly, Speaker and Assembly Committees

(i) Being part of the committees’ secretariat to render legal advice on issues that arise during various Committee meetings through regular attendance to the meetings, continuous engagements with the members of the committees on diverse matters of legal interest.

(ii) Offer advisory on petitions through preparation and presentation of briefs on legal issues arising out of the petitions and also effectively assist in procedural undertakings by facilitating all legal and procedural infrastructure and offering adequate guidance and advice to committees dealing with complex oversight matters including Impeachment motions and processing petitions.

2.Legislative Drafting and Policy Development 

(i)To undertake the preparation of legislative proposals on behalf of Members and Committees. This incorporates;

a) The preparation of Brief/Digest for consideration by the Committee

b) Scrutiny of legislative proposals that are presented before the committee

c) Receipt of further instructions for review of the Bill

(ii) Drafting and audit of Nyandarua County Legislation to include drafting new legislative proposals for submission to the County Assembly committees for consideration and the audit of County policies and legislation, in-depth analysis geared towards;

a) Identifying gaps, challenges and overlaps in legislation;

b)identifying the successes and challenges in implementing the laws and the Constitution, especially in relation to the devolved system of government; and

c)Make recommendations for any amendments, review, repeal or new legislation in the areas of concern.

3.Litigation and Case Management

Offer legal representation of the County Assembly and the Speaker in court matters. Ensure smooth management of cases by liaising with external lawyers and other legal bodies in court matters which the assembly is party to.

4.Legal compliance on regulatory requirements for the County Assembly and the County Assembly Service Board

To be achieved through;

(i)drafting of contracts, agreements including mortgage and chattels contracts & other requisite legal documents.

(ii)Render legal opinion & advice to the County Assembly Service Board, the Clerk and Members of the County Assembly and user departments on certain critical areas of compliance and drafting policies, guidelines, rules orders and regulations.

5.Car Loan and Mortgage Schemes

Rendered the following services;


b)Preparation of documents which may include sale agreements, transfers, LCB applications, charge, Preparation of Consents (Spousal), Letters of Offer

c)Carrying out due diligence

d)Liaising with the MCA Car Loan and Mortgage Fund Administrator, financial institution on advancement of mortgage;

6.Perfection of Chattels Mortgage for Car Loan

a)         Advisory;

b)         Preparation of the requisite documentation including chattels mortgage, letters of offer;

c)         Carrying out due diligence

d)         Effect of joint registration with NTSA;

e)         Liaison with MCA Car Loan and Mortgage Fund Administrator, financial institution on advancement of loan.