Office of the Speaker

Hon. Stephen Wachira Waiganjo is the 2nd Speaker of the Nyandarua County Assembly having been elected and sworn in during the First sitting of the 3rd Assembly on 23rd September, 2022.

He is the Chairperson of the County Assembly Service Board which is established pursuant to section 12 of the County Governments Act of 2012. He also chairs the House Business and the Powers and Privileges Committees.

The Speaker is an ex-officio Member of the County Assembly elected by the County Assembly from among persons who are not members of the Assembly pursuant to Article 178 of the Constitution of Kenya (2010).

Pursuant to the First Schedule of the Elections Act, a speaker of a County Assembly shall be elected when the County Assembly first meets after a general election and before the county assembly proceeds with the dispatch of any other business.

The Speaker presides over debates in the House and in the Committee of the whole House. He or she is the spokesperson of the House. As a presiding officer, the Speaker ensures the orderly flow of business and that the House observes parliamentary rules and traditions, both written and unwritten.

According to paragraph 18 of the Nyandarua County Assembly Standing Orders, the Speaker shall preside at any sitting of the Assembly but in absence of the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall preside and in absence of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, a member of the Chairpersons Panel shall preside.

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Hon. Wachira Waiganjo is the 2nd Speaker of the Nyandarua County Assembly having been elected …